BIGSAS Festival of African and African-Diasporic literatures:

Thu. 08.06. | Fri. 09.06.| Sat. 10.06.

- Date:       June 8th -10th, 2017
- Location: D-95444 Bayreuth | Maximilianstr. 6 | Altes Schloss Bayreuth

Thursday, June 8th 2017

12:00 – 13:30 Opening

Welcome and Introduction Prof. Dr. Susan Arndt &
     Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard (Festival Directors)
Introduction Nabil Barham »Future Migration:
     Network for Cultural Diversity« (Co-Speaker)
Greeting City of Bayreuth Bayreuth (Thomas Ebersberger,
     Mayor , City of Bayreuth)
Greeting Prof. Dr. Martin Huber (University of Bayreuth governance)
Greeting Dr. Christine Scherer (Academic coordinator, BIGSAS)
Greeting Caroline Hornstein Tomić (Federal Agency for Civic Education/bpb )
Greeting Festival godfather Abasse Ndione (Senegal)
Greeting Dilan Zoe Smida (Children's Art Workshop)


13:00 Reception (City of Bayreuth) with Aras Hesso (Saz)


14:00 – 15:00 Keynote Responsibility & Globalisation
Pap Ndiaye (France)
Discussant: Kyung-Ho Cha (Germany)
Chair: Susan Arndt (Germany)


15:15 – 16:45 Lesung Responsibility & Migration
Mohamed Amjahid (Germany/Marokko)
read by Peggy Piesche (Germany), Abasse Ndione (Senegal) &
     Najem Wali (Iraq/Germany)
Chair: Nabil Barham (Palestine/Germany), Peggy Piesche (Germany) &
     Mbaye Seye (Senegal)


17:00 – 18:30 Podiumsdiskussion Responsibility & Migration
Mohamed Amjahad (Marokko/D, per Skype Zuschaltung), Pap Ndiaye (France), Abasse Ndione (Senegal) & Najem Wali (Iraq/Germany)
Chair: Susan Arndt (Germany) & Peggy Piesche (Germany)
Übersetzung: Samira Parachiv (Romania/Germany)


18:30 – 19:30 Art Performance Tabula Rasa
Philip Kojo Metz (Germany)
Chair: Dilan Zoe Smida (Germany)


19:30 - 20:30 DINNER


20:30 Director’s Talk: ReMIXI2016. Africa in Translation
Screening of film intro und Conversation: Nicolas Grange (France),
Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard (Germany) & Onokoome Okomo (Nigeria/USA)
Chair: Peggy Piesche


21:00 Spoken Word Performance & Open Mic & MusicMigrating Words & Sounds
Performance: Marc Alexandre Oho Bambe (F/Cameroon),
     Chantal-Fleur Sandjon (South Africa/Germany) & Mutombo Da Poet (Ghana)
     & Anis Chouchène (Tunesia)
Music: DJ Sotusura
Chair: Yvette Ngum (Cameroon), David Dina (Germany),
Nikita Adjirakor (Ghana) & Nabil Barham (Palestine/Germany)

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Friday, June 9th 2017

11:00 – 12:30 Panel Discussion
Migration@ City and University of Bayreuth
Muhammed Alkhatib (Student at the University of Bayreuth)
Nabil Barham (Palestine/Germany)
Neelab Bayani (Guest Student at the University of Bayreuth)
Armin Brata (Board of Directors Bunt statt Braun - gemeinsam für Flüchtlinge e.V)
Xhavit Mustafa (Chairman of the Integration Council of the City of Bayreuth)
Tina Krause (City Council Woman; Board of Directors KUnterBunT)
Manar Osman (Arabic Teacher at the University of Bayreuth)
Chairs: Anna-Maria Gentili (Germany) & Nina Simon (Germany)


12:30 - 13:30 Lunch


13:30 – 14:30 Double Keynote Refugees are the Future
Gary Younge (UK)
>Najeb Wali> (Iraq/Germany)
Discussant: Peggy Piesche (Germany)
Chair: Asaf Augusto (Angola) & Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard (Germany)


15:00 - 16:30 Reading and Discussion Literature and Migration
Nassur Attoumani (Mayotte), >Aya Cissako (France) & >Olumide Popoola (UK)
Chair: Aminata Mbaye (France/Germany/Senegal),
     Rémi Tchokothé (Germany) & James Wachira (Kenya)


16:45 – 18:15 Panel Discussion Refugees are the Future
Nassur Attoumani (Mayotte), Aya Cissoko (France), Onokoome Okome (Nigeria/USA), Olumide Popoola (UK) & >Gary Younge (UK)
Chair: Chris Odhiambo (Kenya) & Rémi Tchokothé (Cameroon/Germany)


18:30 – 20:00 Opening Film Series with The Last of Us (Tunesia 2016)
in the presence of the lead actor Jahwer Soudani (Tunesia)
Screening followed by a conversation
Conversation: Ute Fendler & Jahwer Soudani


20:00 Dinner


21:00 Dance Performance If I had Wings
Catherine Nakawesa (Uganda)
Chair: Anna-Maria Gentili (Germany)

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Saturday, June 10th 2017

10:00 Children's Art Workshop
Migration @ Play
mit Dilan Zoe Smida (Germany) & Katharina Fink (Germany)


11:00 – 12:30 Polylogue Crisis, Responsibility and Future
Hamado Dipama, Bavarian Refugee Council (Burkina Faso/Germany)
Bernd Kasparek, Border Monitoring e.V. (Germany)
Chairs: Nabil Barham (Palestine/Germany), Anna-Maria Gentili (Germany) &
Christine Klapeer (Germany)


12:30 – 13:30 Lunch


13:30 – 15:30 Reading & Discussion Thinking shared Futures
Anis Chouchène (Tunesien), E.C. Osondu (Nigeria/USA) &
Abdelaziz Baraka Sakin (Sudan/Austria)
Chairs: Tamer Abd Elkreem (Sudan), Aminata Mbaye (Senegal/Germany) & Mingqing Yuan (China/Germany)


16:00 – 18:00 Panel discussion Thinking shared Futures>
Anis Chouchène (Tunesia), Hamado Dipama (Burkina Faso/Germany),
Bernd Kasparek (Germany) & Chris Odhiambo (Kenya)
Chairs: Jaana Janßen (Germany) & Rémi Tchokothe (Cameroon/Germany)


Parallel event at Iwalewahaus, Wölfelstr. 6

16:00 – 18:00 Continuation of film series Film & Migration


Altes Schloss Bayreuth

18:15 – 18:45 The Poet’s Corner
MC: Abasse Ndione (Senegal)
Griotage: Mutombo Da Poet (Ghana)
Chair: Aminata Mbaye (Senegal/Germany)


19:00 – 20:00 Dinner


20:00 Open Air Concert (Ehrenhof)
M1 dead prez & Bonnot
With special guests Jahdan Blakkamoore & Shadia Mansour
Chairs: Nabil Barham (Palestine/Germany) & Nadja Ofuatey-Alazard (Germany)

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